Unlock Your Heroism With Natural Attack Feats In Pathfinder

Unlock Your Heroism With Natural Attack Feats In Pathfinder

Pathfinder is a popular role-playing game that has captivated the imaginations of gamers for decades. It allows players to explore a world of fantasy, adventure, and danger. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the ability to unlock your character’s potential with natural attack feats. Natural attack feats can give your character an edge in combat and help them survive more dangerous situations. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the basics of natural attack feats and how to use them to your advantage in Pathfinder.

Understanding Natural Attack Feats

Natural attack feats are a type of combat feat that allow your character to use their natural weapons in combat. These feats are typically divided into two categories: unarmed attacks and natural weapons. Unarmed attacks are typically punches, kicks, and headbutts. Natural weapons are weapons that are a part of your character’s body, such as claws, teeth, or horns. You can use these feats to enhance your character’s ability to fight, giving them an edge in battle.

When you take a natural attack feat, you can choose one of two options: you can either increase the damage dealt by the attack or increase the number of attacks your character can make in a single round. Increasing the damage dealt by an attack can make it much more effective, as it allows your character to deal more damage with each hit. Increasing the number of attacks your character can make in a single round can also be beneficial, as it allows them to attack more often, which can give them an advantage in battle.

Another important aspect of natural attack feats is that they can be taken multiple times. This means that you can take the same feat multiple times, allowing you to increase the damage dealt by the attack or the number of attacks you can make in a single round. This can be incredibly useful, as it allows your character to become even more effective in combat.

Using Natural Attack Feats in Combat

Now that you understand the basics of natural attack feats, let’s discuss how they can be used in combat. When you use a natural attack feat, it can give your character an edge in battle. By increasing the damage dealt by your attacks or the number of attacks you can make in a single round, you can give your character an advantage in combat. This can be especially useful in difficult battles, as it can help your character survive more dangerous situations.

In addition to increasing the damage dealt by your attacks or the number of attacks you can make in a single round, natural attack feats can also be used to give your character more options in combat. By taking multiple natural attack feats, you can give your character access to a variety of attacks, which can be used to surprise your opponents and gain an advantage in battle.

Choosing the Right Natural Attack Feat

When choosing a natural attack feat, it’s important to consider the type of character you’re playing. Different characters have different styles of fighting, and it’s important to choose a feat that fits your character’s style. You should also consider the type of enemies you’ll be facing, as some feats may be more effective against certain enemies than others.

It’s also important to note that some feats may be more useful in certain situations than others. For example, increasing the damage dealt by an attack may be more useful in a one-on-one fight, while increasing the number of attacks may be more useful in a battle with multiple enemies. It’s important to consider the situation you’ll be in before choosing a feat.


Natural attack feats can give your character an edge in combat and help them survive more dangerous situations. By understanding the basics of natural attack feats and how to use them in combat, you can give your character an advantage in battle. When choosing a natural attack feat, it’s important to consider the type of character you’re playing and the type of enemies you’ll be facing. With the right natural attack feats, you can unlock your character’s potential and become an even more powerful hero.

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